An acupuncture clinic located in Cornelius NC near Davidson that helps you to decrease pain, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and energy and enhance your overall health.



What are your goals for 2020?

  • Are you dreaming of releasing excess weight?

  • Are you aiming to release anxiety and tension?

  • Are you striving for more energy and less sick days?

What if I told you that you can detox your body, de-stress your mind and boost your metabolism
in just 3 weeks?!


You can with this year’s BODY REBOOT
(Registration is now CLOSED)

Any symptom or health issue begins with an energy imbalance in the body.
We are going to give your body a reboot to re-balance internal energies that will help you:

Detox from excess indulging and overeating during the holidays

✔ Destress from the holiday craze and the end of year chaos

✔ Reset your metabolism and digestion to help your new year’s weight loss efforts

This reboot will not only resolve your current symptoms but will also help prevent
future health problems caused by stress and anxiety, overindulging or poor eating.

Don’t Delay! Registration is open for only a limited time with limited spots until January 18!


Here’s How It Works

The BODY REBOOT will consist of 3 components: Acupuncture treatments, phototherapy patches and weekly education by email - all designed to work together to reset your health from the inside out and
to help you establish healthy habits to maintain your progress for the long-term.


3 Acupuncture Treatments


3 Week supply of Phototherapy Patches


Weekly Education Emails


Over the course of three weeks you will wear a Lifewave phototherapy patch each day that will stimulate internal functions to detox the body, release stress and inflammation, boost immunity, curb cravings and appetite and stimulate digestive function. These patches are about the size of a quarter and placed on easy to find acupuncture points. They contain no chemicals and no medications.

Once a week acupuncture treatments will also stimulate these effects at a deep level all while you enjoy a relaxing nap!

Finally, you’ll receive emails each week to help you foster easy to implement and effective lifestyle habits that will boost these health goals and set you on a foundation to keep your body healthy and in balance.

This year’s program begins the week of January 26 and runs until February 15.

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Week One: DETOX

January 26- February 1: Week one’s focus will be on safely detoxing the body and strengthening the immune system. To get your body out of pain, feeling less sluggish, and able to adequately digest and metabolize food, we need to first clear out the “junk” and ensure that your immune system is working properly.

You will receive 7 Glutathione phototherapy patches and will wear one each day. These patches will not only detox the body but will also boost the immune system, increasing your body’s glutathione level by 300% in just the first 24 hours. Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body. Your acupuncture treatment will also focus on detoxing the body and strengthening the immune system or any specific health issue that you need addressing.


February 2 - 8: Week two will focus on addressing stress and inflammation in the body. Now that your body has had a chance to detox, the next focus is to reduce inflammation which is most often the underlying cause of many diseases, chronic health problems and stress.

You will receive 7 Aeon phototherapy patches and will wear one each day. These patches are anti-inflammatory and anti-stress, otherwise known as the “happy patches!” They help balance the brain, calm the mind, reduce cortisol and elevate DHEA. These processes all help combat inflammation in the body which can lead to uncomfortable symptoms or disease. Your acupuncture treatment will also focus on stress relief and any other conditions affecting you at that time.


February 9 - 15: Week three will wrap things up by boosting your metabolism and strengthening your digestion. Now that your body has safely detoxed and has reduced inflammation, we will turn to making sure your digestive system is functioning optimally to strengthen and boost your metabolism.

You will receive 7 SP6 phototherapy patches which help control appetite and suppress cravings. They also balance hormones, improve digestive function, increase organ function and balance the hypothalamus thus regulating the autonomic nervous system. Your acupuncture treatment will also focus on regulating digestion to strengthen metabolism as well as improve bowel function as well as any health condition that you want to address.

After completing this 3 week program you will feel more energized and see a reduction in pain and stress and anxiety. You’ll also have strengthened your immune system to take on the winter’s cold and flu season and have boosted your digestion and metabolism to assist your weight loss efforts.

The Techniques Used:


Each week you will receive one acupuncture treatment which will focus on the goal for the week and/or whatever health condition you need addressed that week. Acupuncture appointments will be one hour in length, with the time you are lying down, relaxing with the needles ranging from 25-40 minutes. They are scheduled during my regular business hours (Tuesdays 9:00-3:00, Wednesdays 1:30-8:00 and Thursdays 9:00-3:00) and available on a first come first schedule basis.

If you are new to acupuncture, we will also conduct a health history and walk you through what to expect so that all of your questions are answered and you feel most comfortable and ready to enjoy your treatment. To learn more about acupuncture, click here or feel free to email me with any questions.


Phototherapy is the use of light to stimulate a healing response in the body. Lifewave phototherapy patches contain a solution of crystals that act as antennae, reflecting back your own body’s infrared light to transmit a biological message to initiate change in your cells.

These patches are hypoallergenic and do not contain any medication or chemicals. They simply harness the power of your own body’s light energy to prompt the body to heal itself. Originally developed for the military, they have the capacity to initiate significant change in the body in a way that is painless, easy and extremely effective.

You simply place the patch on the designated acupuncture point and then let it go to work for you 24/7. The acupuncture points that you will put the patches on during the three weeks of BODY REBOOT are also very easy to locate.

To learn more about these patches, please click here.


Over the course of the 3 weeks, I will also be sending you short emails that will pass along helpful, easy and effective strategies, lifestyle changes and suggestions that you can put into practice to enhance the effects initiated by your acupuncture treatment and the patches you’ll be wearing.

These strategies and suggestions won’t be asking you to turn your life upside down, but will be small changes to continue the progress that you make over the entire three weeks. You will also have these emails to continually refer back to at any point in the future when you need a reminder or refresher of the changes we cover.


Who is the REBOOT for?

The BODY REBOOT is perfect for anyone who is looking for a safe way
to detox or who would like to press the restart button on their health.
It’s also a must for anyone experiencing these symptoms:

  • Fatigue

  • Weight Gain

  • Brain Fog

  • High Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Digestive Issues

  • Frequent Illness


Why You Should Sign Up

  • You Deserve It! (enough said)

  • This is better than any cleanse because it works safely, with your body

  • You’ll kick start your metabolism to help your weight loss efforts

  • You’ll strengthen your immune system to ward off any colds or flus coming this winter

  • It’s super easy and super effective; even working while you sleep with easy to use patches

  • You’ll get a great nap with each acupuncture treatment!

  • Why put off feeling more relaxed, rejuvenated and calm when it’s within your grasp?


 How Do I Sign Up?

Join the BODY REBOOT 2020 program by clicking the button below.
Once you purchase, I will call to schedule your 3 acupuncture appointments or you can call or email me directly.

You will automatically get the emails sent to you over the course of the 3 weeks and
will receive your packet of patches at your first acupuncture treatment.

DON’T DELAY! Registration is only open for a small group of patients and for a limited time.
Registration closes on January 18 so sign up today.


Hi! I’m Leslie

As a licensed acupuncturist and the owner of Balanced Health Acupuncture, I’ve been treating patients for over 10 years. I am so excited to be offering this new program that blends the natural, healing power of acupuncture with the effective power of light therapy with easy to use phototherapy patches.

My passion is to help you feel your best and leave your stress and anxiety worries on the treatment table. The BODY REBOOT 2020 program is going to be transformative, and I can’t wait for you to join me!


 Frequently Asked Questions


+ What if I've never tried acupuncture?

No problem! This program is open to new and existing patients so even if you've never tried acupuncture you are welcome to sign up.

+ When can I schedule my acupuncture appointments?

Acupuncture appointments will be scheduled during my normal business hours (Tuesdays 9:00-3:00, Wednesdays 1:30-8:00, and Thursdays 9:00-3:00). When you sign up I encourage you to book all 3 of your appointments at once so that you get the days/times you need. You can call me directly at 617-794-4835 or email me.

+ What if I can't make it in for a treatment 3 weeks in a row?

While it's best to come in consistently for the 3 weeks of the program, I understand that people travel or schedules can get busy. You will have 5 weeks to schedule your 3 appointments beginning the week of January 26.

+ What is phototherapy?

Phototherapy is the use of light energy to heal the body. The Lifewave phototherapy patches are easy to use patches that do not contain any medication or chemicals. They are placed on the body on specific acupuncture points and worn for 24 hours. To learn more about phototherapy, please click here.

+ What is included in the emails?

You will receive an email (or two) each week that will provide helpful tools, techniques and tips for safely detoxing the body, strengthening the immune system, releasing stress and anxiety and stimulating metabolism and regulating digestion. These will all be techniques that are easy to implement from day one with the intention of continuing the health changes that are stimulated with the phototherapy patches and acupuncture treatments.

+ What is the cost of BODY REBOOT 2020?

The total cost of joining this program is $350. The cost includes 3 acupuncture treatments and 21 phototherapy patches as well as all education and instruction.

Have More Questions?

Please feel free to give me a call or to email me with any questions about this program and your participation. I look forward to answering them and having you join in this transformative program!
